Annual Shows
All our annual shows are open to members and the general public.
Members of the society and those under 16 years of age have free entry. Other visitors enter by donation at each show to view the exhibits when the show opens at 2.00pm after completion of judging of the exhibits. You can also buy refreshments, raffle tickets and items from the sales stall. All proceeds go to Society funds.
Spring Show
The Spring Show is held on a Saturday at the end of March or early April. It offers classes for daffodils and other flowers, cookery & preserves, photography and floral art [decorative classes]. A schedule for the show plus a class entry form will be available from our evening meetings, local nurseries and retail outlets from around the middle of February.
Summer Show
The Summer Show is held on the third Saturday in August. It offers classes for flowers, cookery & preserves, vegetables, fruit, floral art [decorative classes], handicrafts and photography. A schedule for the show plus a class entry form will be available from our evening meetings, various local nurseries and retail outlets from around the middle of June.
Class Entry forms
Class Entry forms plus the requisite fees must be returned to the Show Secretary via Heathfield Ironmongers, High Street, Heathfield no later than the Wednesday prior to the show. Class Entry forms for children’s classes are also required even though no entry fees are payable.
Every paid up member of the Society may enter four classes in both the Spring and Summer Shows without having to pay any Class Entry fees.
Show conditions
The Society follows the relevant recommendations and standards of the Royal Horticultural Society for most classes at both shows. The key conditions are reproduced in the schedule. Please note, the judges decision is final and unchallengeable.
Prizes and Trophies
Those judged 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a class receive money prizes. The winners of some classes or groups of classes are also awarded a trophy which they hold until the same show the following year.
The winners of Junior classes are awarded a Society medal which is theirs to keep.

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