The Society was established in 1890 under the title “Heathfield Amateur and Cottage Garden Mutual Improvement Society” for the purpose of creating a greater interest in horticulture among people of the district and disseminating knowledge in such matters. The name was changed to Heathfield and District Horticultural Society in 1951
One of their earliest tasks was to organise a fruit, vegetable and flower show in 1891. We have proudly continued that tradition over the past 120 or so years and now offer a wider range of classes at two shows each year.
Our annual events programme also includes regular evening meetings, open gardens and coach trips. Visitors are most welcome to attend any of our advertised events. Please note however that no dogs, other than assistance dogs, are allowed at any Society events.
Our annual membership subscription is only £20.
We researched the history of the Society and produced a booklet for our 125th anniversary in 2015. It is also under the heading Our History on this website .

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